Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Here is one of the tools I normally use during interview coaching sessions with clients, it is one of the greatest interview winning strategies- the 30–60–90 DAY PLAN.
The 30–60–90 Day Plan is a document prepared by a job seeker and presented during an interview. It is an outline of what the candidate intends or proposes to achieve in the first 90 days, if hired for the role. 
The 30–60–90-day plan is not just a tool used during an interview, it is a strategy document that every professional should write or develop before taking up a new role.
Every candidate that wants to develop an effective 30–60–90-day plan, needs to have a thorough understanding of the hiring company, the culture, products and /or services, the industry, competitors, customers etc.
Importance of 30–60–90 Day Plan
• It shows great understanding of the role.
• It shows enthusiasm and job-readiness.
• It shows a good work ethic.
• It portrays an invaluable hire that will go ‘above and beyond’ the call of duty.
The plan should be developed with a clear SMART goal and strategic focus on People, Process, Procedure and Technology.
The first 30 days is to get acquainted with the new role. The objective is to understand the team, company, products/services, customers etc.
The next 30 days [60 Days] is to evaluate current processes and procedures, identify strength and weaknesses of team members/stakeholders and determine how best to allocate resources for optimum impact. [SWOT Analysis]
The last 30 days [90 Days], at this stage the candidate is well-grounded in the role and could identify gaps and areas of improvement. This is the time to launch and implement ideas that will address critical issues. 
Remember, the Plan has to be SMART.
S- Specific M- Measurable A- Achievable R- Relevant T- Time Bound.
The Plan can be presented in any of the following formats. 
• Word or PDF (1–4 Pages). 
• Power Point: 3–4 Slides.
• Excel. Etc
Candidate can convert or Export the document to PDF and print.
Suggested contents of each page/slide;
Page/Slide- Introduction page with candidate’s personal details (OPTIONAL)
Page/Slide 1: Step-by-Step action plan on how to accelerate the learning process for the first 30 days.
Page/Slide 2: Step-by-Step action plan on how the candidate intends to identify and evaluate short/long term improvement areas for the 60 days.
Page/Slide 3: Step-by-Step action plan on how and when ideas will be launched and implemented in the next 30days [90 days]
Page/Slide 4: Summary of specific Timeline and Key Performance Indicators of major tasks.
This is just a guide- Slides 1–3 can be merged. It can have different styles.
It all depend on how best the candidate can use Chart, Tables, SmartArt Graphics or Pictures to aid presentation.
After putting together an impeccable plan, the next question is how and when it should be presented. 
Is it before, during or after the interview? 
Please know that, the interviewer will probably not ask for the plan because it’s most likely not part of the interview requirement. However, the responsibility is on the candidate to initiate a conversation that will prompt the introduction of the Plan.
It is always important to look at the dynamics of the interview and decide on the best time to introduce your ‘ace in the hole’- The Plan!
Note: Don’t just hand it over to the interviewers. You need to walk them through your Plan.
Developing an immaculate plan requires a lot of research, analysis of the job description, the role, the company as well as in-depth understanding of the business environment.
30–60–90-Day Plan is a great tool and can actually help candidates ace the interview…….. if properly deployed.

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